Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day Sixteen, Part II

Things to be excited about on Day Sixteen:

It seems silly, but I really feel I need to think, write, and be positive in order to get positive results. Nothing good has ever come from me focusing on the negative. With that...

I worked out today. I did the 3 mile walk to the downtown gym, spent 3 minutes on the treadmill doing speed intervals, and another 12 walking at a steep incline. I broke a sweat and it felt great.

I logged my points today in my WW journal. I once got a great piece of advice from someone at a meeting -- "if you bite it, write it." It's hard to be disciplined if you're not even being accountable to yourself and I get a lot of satisfaction when I check off boxes recording my activity for the day.

I am surrounded by supportive people. Losing weight and maintaining a healthy well-being isn't something I have to do by myself. My better half is there for all of the doubts, tears, and misfires and that impacts my efforts significantly. It's not lost on me that my ability to try again tomorrow stems from knowing that others believe in me even when I am struggling.

I can envision where and what I want to be. I know what healthy feels like for me -- it isn't defined by a number on a scale, size on a clothing tag, or the difference between calories in and calories burned. And, healthy isn't defined by words from a doctor or by measuring myself against others.

Healthy feels like having an eating/exercise plan that evolves and shifts with my life. By my standard, I am healthy and becoming more so every day.

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