Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23, 2009

Okay, well the dreaded week is here and I am off to a good start. I am in the 3rd of (sort of consecutive) 4 weeks of 350 minute Crazy Cardio Challenge. Getting through the last 40-75 minutes can be challenging, but I know the secret is pushing myself on the weekends, resting, sufficiently and then making it to the gym at least 2 times. No real magic – just good planning.

However, this is still a dreaded week. Why? I LOVE THANKSGIVING! The smell of crispy cheese and the way cold butter melts when you spread it on a hot roll – it makes my eyes glaze over in anticipation. The whole day is devoted to overindulging in goodies and I often find it hard to resist. I have perfected the small portion size at the dinner table, but I am usually doomed long before the meal begins. My official duty as taste tester is often enough to help me graze my way to fullness, but there is a sense of obligation to partake in the meal with others – even as your stomach protests. And, then there are the leftovers. I suspect my stomach can withstand one day of overindulgence, but 2-4 days of eating rich and unfamiliar foods can be too much. So, I have to have a plan. Well, duh. I’m not exactly dropping rocket science here:

1) Cardio, cardio, cardio – No different than usual, but I definitely need to get a workout in on Thursday morning. My digestion seems much better when I keep it active. My usual gym is closed, but I have a backup in mind. If not, I will be spending the day walking around the neighborhood or raking. Anything to keep the activity up. And, depending on my shopping plans I might include a workout on Friday morning, too.
2) Prime the pump – I really wanted to use this term for some reason. I don’t think my body tolerates excessive amounts of fat well and I have been trying to include some in my diet at least 1-2x week (crispy buttery cheesy bagel yumminess). I think this is enough to make a serving of macaroni and cheese manageable, but no overdoing it.
3) Tracking – This will be incredibly annoying, but it should be enough to make me think twice.
4) Only two for you – I will toss my traditional “one and done” rule, but no more than two cocktails. I before dinner and maybe a second with the meal. This is very important because my resistance gets lowered.
5) Share my goals – This is probably annoying for others, but the best way to help other help you is to let them know your plans. I am sure not everyone wants to know the excessive details about my workouts (there is a reason why it gets put on paper a lot), but it is good to have someone there to help you stay on track.

Okay, well that is the plan. I have my gym clothes with me for a workout this evening and I’ll be there pushing myself as hard as possible. My motivation over the weekend was a little different than usual. It feels like the end of the month and I am cramming deposits in to offset the really big check that is going to hit on Thursday. After I get through the week, I’ll go back to a “healthier” mindset. For now, I am not looking for the numbers to drop – I just don’t want them to creep up!

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