Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do Stats Matter?

Every diet book and exercise guru will tell you that weight doesn't matter and that you should simply eat healthy and stay active and all will be well. I believe this on some level, but let's be real. My doctor told me to lose weight. He looked at the scale and he looked at me and he said "you're taking more than you need." This says to me, at least for the short term, that the numbers matter. And, as of this evening, following a nice healthy dinner of a 2 by 2 in vegetarian meatball sub (I think most people would call this a petit for, but I digress), I weighed in at approximately 143lbs. I am only 5'0 so this is not insignificant and if I felt like browsing away from this window I am certain I could find one of those bmi calculators to tell me that I am mildly overweight and nearing obesity. No matter. I don't feel great in my body right now and my tummy is off (code for mildly distended).

Therefore, my official day one question is: when do I workout. I struggle with this morning vs. evening thing all the time. I feel good when I wake up early and go to gym. If I can force myself up and out, then I have more energy during the day and I feel and am much more productive. On the downside, I have never been very efficient at the gym and my stretching and strength training suffer when I stumble in the gym with my eyes half-closed. This is not rocket science. The best time to work out is the time that you will stick to and I've always been good with a schedule. So, what'll it be. I am going to try for morning cardio. Maybe I can supplement with an evening yoga or strength training class once I get in routine. Baby steps. Let's just get up to the alarm tomorrow first. Until tomorrow...

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