Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Week Eight: The Workouts

So, how does one get back into the swing of things after being out of the routine for so long? (I clearly don't know since I have been trying to answer this question for several weeks!) Seriously, I've done it before and I can do it again. You just tell yourself you can do it because it is important and you have done it before. More importantly, you remind yourself that each day that you don't do it makes going back a little harder and a little farther away.

Day One -- Back in the Saddle Cardio Interval Circuits and Upper Body Training
Just enough time (15 minutes) to break a sweat on my three favorite machines -- the elliptical, bike, and treadmill. Intervals makes you feel strong no matter what your intensity level.

Going back to weights after a little time off isn't as difficult I think. You just have to lower the weights and be prepared for fatigue the next day.

Day Two -- Back in the Saddle Cardio Interval Circuits and Lower Body Training
Once more with feeling. A little hurt all over from the previous day is best addressed through variety and a little less intensity on the machines. It also helps ward off the desire to give in early as your body strains to return to shape.

Going back to lower body weights is a little more challenging especially after doing cardio two days in a row, but it has to be done.

Day Three -- Steady State Cardio and Abs
It all starts to come back by the third day and then the brain kicks in with a voice whining about why you spent so much time away -- progress loss and all that. This voice is a friend as it helps remind you of what you aspire to achieve.

Day Four -- Steady State Cardio and Upper/Lower Weights
It's back. The pain, the feeling of accomplishment, the routine. It can take two to four weeks (or more) to get the body back, but the mind remembers much more quickly. I think it's is important to focus on the positive and to keep yourself from thinking of the time off. It's very easy to give up after a few days back -- you pat yourself on the back for getting in a good week and then go back to doing nothing. By Day Four it is important to have a plan for Day Five -- if this is too much too fast then a plan for the next week will suffice.

If staying active and eating healthy were easy, I think many more people would do it. But, it's not. Or, at least it is not all the time. However, it feels darn great when you're doing it!

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